
Sunday, November 18, 2012


Counting my blessings. We have so much.

Our fridge has been on the fritz for some time. At times, it has stopped working all together.

No coldness was coming out of that box. No sir-ee.

So, we worked for hours, taking the freezer apart, once again, getting out the heat gun (you know--the one I use for embossing? Well it has a new use - not just for embossing these days) and having at it.

THIS TIME, the ice maker, which has never been used, came out for good!

YAY! A bit more room in the freezer now.

Then I cleaned for another hour after putting the darn thing back together, my husband Kirby taking the unruly styrofoam lining that was crumpled up in the back of the inner freezer between the fins, completely out too.

For now, it's humming along, and not running so often. Good and cold again..

So nice to have a clean fridge, and not much in it, actully, I just HAD to take a picture.
Ahhhhhhhh. Clean and cold.

And there's room for food again.

Thank You Lord!
For all that we are...all that we have.

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